Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Omega Manga: Getting to Work

When your best friend asks you to launch him G Gundam style to his work desk, you do it. >:|

Commission for: Donryu!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Karmakat Update

I decided to Slow things down a bit and work on a larger scale since I did a huge set of Quickies. So here we have the beach scene in a full preview! It's hard to tell since the last update (I think it was just feet), but I did adjust some of the colours and began the lighting process. I juggled this and the infamous Christmas image (which I will post later) At least beach scenes have a more simplified scheme!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Collective Quick Sketch update

I have been a busy Omega today. All of these just need final touches. Which is a good thing, too, because, indeed, I must take on MOAR.



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Client List Update/Possible DS Commissions

Said this earlier on twitter, but I'll say it again! The client listings page has been updated completely to include all the Quick Sketches taken a few weeks ago!

As well I've been slowly updating the individuals still waiting for their pieces... and it looks like I'm only five sketches behind being caught up as far as preliminary workload goes!

Which is good because I've been thinking about taking commissions again- necessities of course. Le sigh...
Recently I came into posession of a new Nintendo 3DS thanks to a friend! With this amazing gift came the other amazing gift of Colours Live! This program is amazing!

I was thinking of offering a Quick Colour tier involving a second tier. A little cheaper? Maybe? (the hand cramps after a while....)  I'm not sure. I'll work out the kinks. The DS has been a great portable sketchbook and a wonderful asset, so I'd love to make it work more for me and you guys! 

Blahblah blah.
Anyways! I'll post a photo update of sketches soon!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mezron Full Colour concepts/Inspiration

first draft
second draft
Closer... I've been stuck on this for a while. He wants a scene featuring a young Doyle going on a joyride on Mez's motorcycle!
I'm always touched when people ask to have my characters inserted, and Mez is unique because he was inspired by my little artistic whims. So now, Mez is actually a large part of Doyle's childhood.

I imagine this is the moment when Doyle discovers the real idea of freedom. Bikers put a lot of who they are into their bikes... and I'd like to think, up until now, Doyle has had a pretty restricted upbringing, but now on this bike with this stranger he met by chance years ago, he understands that there's more out there and after this moment, he decides he wants to "live" life.
Originally envisioned this scene going from the city and out into the open road to emphasize that... but the focus couldn't be put on the feeling. Maybe in the final I can fit it all in there! I hope I can!.

but I'm sure no one cares about that ;) Anyway, all of these were sketched on the DS today! The third draft has a lot of the feeling I want, but I couldn't grab the motorcycle ref to work with, so composition wise it'll be tweaked a lot!

I've been trying to upload them for HOURS. Gahhh.

Quick Sketch Updates!

for Brokken, Dragonfireny, Skgyae, and Elion, in descending order!

More to come soon!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gohaku2: Rejected Sketch

I love sketching. With Quick Sketches it's usually just that, quick. My gut instinct to guide my hand. And usually it's pretty good!
But sometimes, every now and then I sit back and think "No. I can do this better"

This is one of those! (I do have a few!)

A punch to the gut is pretty difficult to draw, but what I put down doesn't communicate what I (or the client) needed it to!

However! There's still a lot I like going on with this! So here you go!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Road Rovers Steampunk

I keep forgetting to post this!
Redfield commissioned this a few weeks ago. A bit of a rush job. His fella with his faves fromt he cast of Road Rovers in semi-steampunk attire.

Be nice, this was my first (and so far only!) attempt into steampunk!

Weapon bits I mostly chose at random, so they may resemble other designs. And the uniforms I tried to make harken back to the original RR costume design.

Sure I'm bias, but I'd like to think I did an okay job!

It still blows my mind to draw these characters from shows I used to watch so much when I was younger! They were all SO HARD to draw. But now it's like "pffft"
Funny how that works. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Whirlpool Workload

Just wanted to show you guys I'm alive and working! Wheatley is putting me through intensive whirlpools of art. (Herp derp) There are still a couple redraws that I need to do, but for the most part I'm going to keep pressing onward.

See. I met my goal with this Iron-Artist style method, but the end of the month is nigh, and that means.

Mo' Bills.

Hence the whirlpool there!

Also it keeps the tedium at bay on my desktop. It'll be fun to see how big it gets when I add to my workload. And I'll be working from the inside out (Hence the colours inside. Those pieces have had preliminary colour blocking done)

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Some financial stuff has forced me to do an Iron Artist style version of my Quick Sketch commissions! That means I do as many as I need to do! No excuses! So the road so far! (as reposted from Twitter!)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Quick Colour Commission Batch

In descending order: A gift for Darhan and his boyfriend, friendly gift for TsukuyomiYue, Tyinsdarkwulf, and Skgyae 'fixing' a tv Sims style!


Friday, June 29, 2012

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The To-Do pile.

Got around to scanning the first batch of Quick sketches! Looks like... ten so far! Whew!
And that's including a couple from the previous list! There would be one more, but I decided to redraw that one.

It's been a stressful week already, but there's no choice but to keep moving forward!

These are ready for colour lovin'! And I'm still going to continue sketching more.

E'err day I'm Sketchin'!

PS: My background rotates and currently it's on a shot from the Prince of Persia game... in case you couldn't tell!