Monday, July 23, 2012

Road Rovers Steampunk

I keep forgetting to post this!
Redfield commissioned this a few weeks ago. A bit of a rush job. His fella with his faves fromt he cast of Road Rovers in semi-steampunk attire.

Be nice, this was my first (and so far only!) attempt into steampunk!

Weapon bits I mostly chose at random, so they may resemble other designs. And the uniforms I tried to make harken back to the original RR costume design.

Sure I'm bias, but I'd like to think I did an okay job!

It still blows my mind to draw these characters from shows I used to watch so much when I was younger! They were all SO HARD to draw. But now it's like "pffft"
Funny how that works. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Whirlpool Workload

Just wanted to show you guys I'm alive and working! Wheatley is putting me through intensive whirlpools of art. (Herp derp) There are still a couple redraws that I need to do, but for the most part I'm going to keep pressing onward.

See. I met my goal with this Iron-Artist style method, but the end of the month is nigh, and that means.

Mo' Bills.

Hence the whirlpool there!

Also it keeps the tedium at bay on my desktop. It'll be fun to see how big it gets when I add to my workload. And I'll be working from the inside out (Hence the colours inside. Those pieces have had preliminary colour blocking done)

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Some financial stuff has forced me to do an Iron Artist style version of my Quick Sketch commissions! That means I do as many as I need to do! No excuses! So the road so far! (as reposted from Twitter!)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Quick Colour Commission Batch

In descending order: A gift for Darhan and his boyfriend, friendly gift for TsukuyomiYue, Tyinsdarkwulf, and Skgyae 'fixing' a tv Sims style!
